Beauty and brains, pleasure and usability – they should go hand in hand
- Don Norman -
Journal Publications
Vriends, N., Meral, Y., Bargas-Avila, J.A., Stadler, C. & Bögels, M. (2017). How do I look? Self-focused attention during a video chat of women with social anxiety (disorder), Behaviour Research and Therapy, 92, 77-86. [DOI Link]. Cited in Scopus: 26, Google Scholar: 59
Bargas-Avila, J.A. & Bruehlmann, F. (2016). Measuring User Rated Language Quality: Development and Validation of the User Interface Language Quality Survey (LQS), International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 86, 1-10. [DOI Link]. Cited in Scopus: 4, Google Scholar: 13
Hornbæk, K., Sander, S., Bargas-Avila, J.A., & Simonsen, J.G. (2014). Is Once Enough? On the Extent and Content of Replications in Human-Computer Interaction, CHI '14 Proceedings of the 2014 annual conference on Human factors in computing systems, 3523-3532. Paper received "Honorable mention award". [DOI Link]. Cited in Scopus: 82, Google Scholar: 113
Seckler, M., Heinz, S., Bargas-Avila, J.A., Opwis, K., & Tuch, A.N. (2014). Designing Usable Web Forms -- Empirical Evaluation of Web Form Improvement Guidelines, CHI '14 Proceedings of the 2014 annual conference on Human factors in computing systems, 1275-1284. [DOI Link]. Cited in Scopus: 27, Google Scholar: 62
Seckler, M., Heinz, S., Bargas-Avila, J.A., Opwis, K., & Tuch, A.N. (2013). Empirical evaluation of 20 web form optimization guidelines. CHI '13 Proceedings of the 2013 annual conference on Human factors in computing systems, 1893-1898. [DOI Link]. Cited in Scopus: 4, Google Scholar: 7
Orsini, S., Opwis, K., & Bargas-Avila, J.A. (2013). Response to the reviews on Bargas-Avila et al. (2009) Intranet Satisfaction Questionnaire: Development and Validation of a Questionnaire to Measure User Satisfaction with the Intranet. Interacting with Computers. [DOI Link]. Cited in Scopus: 3, Google Scholar: 1
Roth, S.P., Tuch, A.N., Mekler, E.D., Bargas-Avila, J.A., & Opwis, K. (2013). Location matters, especially for non-salient features – An eye-tracking study on the effects of web object placement on different types of websites. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 71(3), 228-235. [DOI Link]. Cited in Scopus: 67, Gogle Scholar: 131
Tuch, A.N., Presslaber, E.E., Stöcklin, M., Opwis, K., & Bargas-Avila, J.A. (2012). The role of visual complexity and prototypicality regarding first impression of websites: Working towards understanding aesthetic judgments. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 70(11), 794-811. [DOI Link]. Cited in Scopus: 203, Google Scholar: 431
Tuch, A.N., Roth, S.P., Hornbæk, K., Opwis, K. & Bargas-Avila, J.A. (2012). Is beautiful really usable? Toward Understanding the Relation Between Usability, Aesthetics, and Affect in HCI. Computers in Human Behavior, 28(5), 1596-1607. [DOI Link]. Cited in Scopus: 196, Google Scholar: 417
Seckler, M., Tuch, A.N., Opwis, K., & Bargas-Avila, J.A. (2012). User-friendly Locations of Error Messages in Web Forms: Put them on the right side of the erroneous input field. Interacting with Computers, 24, 107-118. [DOI Link]. Cited in Scopus: 16, Google Scholar: 38
Bargas-Avila, J.A. & Hornbæk, K. (2012). Foci and blind spots in user experience research. ACM Interactions, 19(6), 24-27. [DOI Link]. Cited in Scopus: 27, Google Scholar: 53
Bargas-Avila, J.A., Brenzikofer, O., Tuch, A.N., Roth, S.P., & Opwis, K. (2011). Working towards usable forms on the World Wide Web: Optimizing date entry input fields. Advances in Human Computer Interaction, Article ID 202701. [DOI Link]. Cited in Scopus: 16, Google Scholar: 41
Tuch, A.N., Kreibig, S.D., Roth, S.P., Bargas-Avila, J.A., Opwis, K & Wilhelm, F.H. (2011). The Role of Visual Complexity in Affective Reactions to Web Pages: Subjective, Eye Movement, and Cardiovascular Responses. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, 2(4). [DOI Link]. Cited in Scopus: 20, Google Scholar: 30
Bargas-Avila, J.A., Brenzikofer, O., Tuch, A.N., Roth, S.P., & Opwis, K. (2011). Working towards usable forms on the World Wide Web: Optimizing multiple selection interface elements. Advances in Human Computer Interaction, Article ID 347171. [DOI Link]. Cited in Scopus: 13, Google Scholar: 41
Hübscher, C., Pauwels, S.L., Roth, S.P., Bargas-Avila, J.A., & Opwis, K. (2011). The organization of interaction design pattern languages alongside of the design process. Interacting with Computers, 23(3), 189-201. [DOI Link]. Cited in Scopus: 4, Google Scholar: 19
Bargas-Avila, J.A. & Hornbæk, K. (2011). Old Wine in New Bottles or Novel Challenges? A Critical Analysis of Empirical Studies of User Experience, CHI '11 Proceedings of the 2011 annual conference on Human factors in computing systems, 2689--2698. [DOI Link]. Cited in Scopus: 428, Google Scholar: 900
Bargas-Avila, J.A., Orsini, S., Piosczyk, H., Urwyler, D. & Opwis, K. (2010). Enhancing online forms: Use format specifications for fields with format restrictions to help respondents, Interacting with Computers, 23(1), 33-39. [DOI Link]. Cited in Scopus: 18, Google Scholar: 37
Leuthold, S., Schmutz, P., Bargas-Avila, J.A., Tuch, A.N. & Opwis, K. (2011). Vertical versus Dynamic Menus on the World Wide Web: Eye Tracking Study Measuring the Influence of Menu Design and Task Complexity on User Performance and Subjective Preference, Computers in Human Behavior, 27(1), 459-472. [DOI Link]. Cited in Scopus: 56, Google Scholar: 112
Bargas-Avila, J.A., Orsini, S., de Vito, M. & Opwis, K. (2010). ZeGo: Development and Validation of a short Questionnaire to Measure User Satisfaction with e-Government Portals. Advances in Human Computer Interaction. Article ID 487163. [DOI Link]. Cited in Scopus: 2, Google Scholar: 6
Tuch, A.N., Bargas-Avila, J.A. & Opwis, K. (2010). Symmetry and aesthetics in website design: It's a man's business, Computers in Human Behavior, 26(6), 1831-1837. [DOI Link]. Cited in Scopus: 134, Google Scholar: 249
Friese, M., Bargas-Avila, J.A., Hofmann, W. & Wiers, R.W. (2010). Here’s Looking at You, Bud: Memory Associations with Alcohol Predict Eye Movements for Social Drinkers with Low Executive Control. Social Psychological and Personality Science 1(2) 143-151. [DOI Link]. Cited in Scopus: 46, Google Scholar: 91
Pauwels, S.L., Hübscher, C., Bargas-Avila, J.A., & Opwis, K. (2010). Building an interaction design pattern language: A case study. Computers in Human Behavior 26(3), 452-463. [DOI Link]. Cited in Scopus: 27, Google Scholar: 55
Roth, S.P., Schmutz, P., Pauwels, S.L., Bargas-Avila, J.A., & Opwis, K, (2010). Mental Models for Web Objects: Where do users expect the most frequent objects in Online Shops, News Portals, and Company Web Pages? Interacting with Computers 22(2), 140-152. [DOI Link]. Cited in Scopus: 74, Google Scholar: 148
Bargas-Avila, J.A., Loetscher, J., Orsini, S. & Opwis, K. (2009). Intranet Satisfaction Questionnaire: Development and Validation of a Questionnaire to Measure User Satisfaction with the Intranet.Computers in Human Behavior 25(6), 1241-1250. [DOI Link]. Cited in Scopus: 41, Google Scholar: 71
Tuch, A., Bargas-Avila, J.A., Opwis, K. & Wilhelm, F. (2009). Visual Complexity of Websites and its Effects on Users Impressions, Psychophysiological Responses, Recognition Rate and Visual Search Time. International Journal of Human Computer Studies 67(9), 703-715. [DOI link]. Cited in Scopus: 216, Google Scholar: 393
Pauwels, S.L., Hübscher, C., Leuthold, S., Bargas-Avila, J.A., & Opwis, K. (2009). Error prevention in online forms: Use color instead of asterisks to mark required fields. Interacting with Computers21(4), 257-262. [DOI link]. Cited in Scopus: 19, Google Scholar: 39
Leuthold, S., Bargas-Avila, J.A. & Opwis, K. (2008). Beyond web content accessibility guidelines: Design of enhanced text user interfaces for blind internet users. International Journal of Human Computer Studies 66(4), 257-270. [DOI link]. Cited in Scopus: 77, Google Scholar: 169
Bargas-Avila, J.A., Oberholzer, G., Schmutz, P., de Vito, M. & Opwis, K. (2007). Usable Error Message Presentation in the World Wide Web: Don’t Show Errors Right Away. Interacting with Computers 19, 330–341. [DOI link]. Cited in Scopus: 37, Google Scholar: 65
Métrailler, Y., Bargas-Avila, J.A., Schmutz, P. & Opwis, K. (2005). Search or Browse: How Do People Behave while Navigating on E- Commerce Web Sites? In. K. Opwis & I. K. Penner (Eds.), Proceedings of KogWis05. The German Cognitive Science Conference 2005. Basel, Switzerland: Schwabe.
Bargas-Avila, J.A., & Oberholzer, G. (2003). Online Form Validation: Don't Show Errors Right Away. In M. Rauterberg, M. Menozzi & J. Wesson (Eds.), Human-Computer Interaction INTERACT '03 (pp. 848-851). Amsterdam: IOS Press. Cited in Google Scholar: 12
Articles in magazines, newspapers and blogs
Bargas-Avila, J.A. & Kiss-Dozsai, A. (2024). Airtime Webinar "How Google uses Critical User Journeys". Listen on the blog, YouTube or Spotify.
Bargas-Avila, J.A. & Vredenburg (2024). Life Habits Podcast discussing the crucial topic of dealing with job loss. Listen to it on Apple, Spotify or on the Website.
Bargas-Avila, J.A. (2024), Measuring CUJs, The Product Experience Podcast, Mind The Product #MTP, watch on Youtube, listen on Spotify, listen on Apple Podcast
Bargas-Avila, J.A. (2020), UX Evenings @ Google, The Role of UX Research (watch video)
Bargas-Avila, J.A. (2020). Wondrous DX Podcast with Javier Bargas-Avila.
Bargas-Avila, J.A. (2017). Das Verbinden zweier Passionen. Psychologie - Studienrichtungen und Tätigkeitsfelder.
Bargas-Avila, J.A. & Hines, Scott (2016). YouTube's UX Leaders on How Video Ads Have Evolved. Think with Google, 9/2016. [go to article]
Bargas-Avila, J.A. (2015). How to measure translation quality in your user interfaces. Google Research Blog, 10/2015. [go to blog post]
Bargas-Avila, J.A. & Seckler, M. (2014). Simple is better - Making your web forms easy to use pays off. Google Research Blog, 7/2014. [go to blog post]
Bargas-Avila, J.A. (2012). Users love simple and familiar designs – Why websites need to make a great first impression. Google Research Blog, 8/2012. [go to blog post]
Bargas-Avila, J.A. (2012). Is beautiful usable? What is the influence of beauty and usability on reactions to a product? Google Research Blog, 5/2012. [go to blog post]
Bargas-Avila, J.A. (2007). Das Messen der Zufriedenheit mit den Mitarbeiterportalen: Ein unterschätzter Hürdenlauf. Personarama - Magazin der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Human Resources Management HR Swiss, 3/2007.
Bargas-Avila, J.A. (2004). Vom Usability Testing zum User Centered Engineering. Swiss ICT Bulletin, 1/2004.
Bargas-Avila, J.A., Roth, S.P., Tuch, A.N. and Opwis, K. (2011). You never get a second chance to make a first impression: Meet your users’ expectations regarding web object placement in online shops. In Advanced Technologies Management for Retailing: Frameworks and Cases, Eleonora Pantano & Harry Timmermans (Ed.), ISBN: 160-960-738-4, IGI Global, 221-235.[DOI-Link]
Bargas-Avila, J.A., Brenzikofer, O., Roth, S.P., Tuch, A.N., Orsini, S. and Opwis, K. (2010). Simple but Crucial User Interfaces in the World Wide Web: Introducing 20 Guidelines for Usable Web Form Design, User Interfaces, Rita Matrai (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-307-084-1, INTECH. download chapter (open access), download book (open access). Cited in Google Scholar: 67
Whitepapers and research reports
Bargas-Avila, J.A., Cortesi, S. & Opwis, K. (2009). ZeGo 2008 – Zufriedenheit im eGovernment. Measuring user satisfaction with eGovernment portals of the 26 cantons in Switzerland. Switzerland.
Bargas-Avila, J.A., de Vito, M. & Opwis, K. (2007). ZeGo 2006 – Zufriedenheit im eGovernment. Measuring user satisfaction with eGovernment portals of the 26 cantons in Switzerland. Switzerland.
Leuthold, S.; Hah, E.; Karrer, L.; Gläser, M.; Guth, I.; Bargas-Avila, J.A.; Oberholzer, G.; Springer, A. (2005). Stimmt Intranet Report 2004. Eine Analyse Schweizer Intranets. Schweiz.
Oberholzer, G.; Leuthold, S.; Bargas-Avila, J.A.; Karrer, L.; & Gläser; M. (2003).Stimmt Intranet Report 2003. Eine Analyse Schweizer Intranets. Schweiz.
Schmutz, P., Bargas-Avila, J.A., & Opwis, K. (2008). Effects of size and visibility of textareas on answer size in online surveys. Poster presented at KogWis 2008, Dresden.